Updating Price Books with an Effective date

It would be extremely useful (and time saving) if it were possible to update a price book from an effective date.

We have annual increases for a number of our price books and setting a future date for these to go into effect would be extremely worthwhile.


I agree. It feels like there should be a database table cross-referencing prices/product/date, (though that might be a bit complicated?) A record in this table would be added each time a product is created or the price of that product changes. For upcoming price changes it would be valuable, but additionally there would be another benefit: Sometimes we have to go back and create invoices for dates in the past if they’ve been missed at time of sale. If these are created using current pricing rather than the pricing that existed at the time of the actual sale, it can cause inaccuracies and billing discrepancies.
Here is another feature request that could be merged in potentially:
For us this isn’t a high priority (we don’t change our prices that often) but it does seem to make sense logically, and I could see how other breweries that change prices frequently would really want this. There also might be other benefits I’m not thinking about.

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This has come up a few times in the past. Usually, the workaround covers what’s needed, so building a new feature doesn’t seem to be required.

I’ll keep the thread open to gather votes so we can gauge interest (the others have been closed), but I’d highly recommend checking out some of the similar threads in the past and using the simple workaround mentioned in them: