Schedule price increase

Is it possible to include a date for price increases to apply? We don’t have a flat rate % increase or fixed amount either so bulk updating is useless to us as we’ll need to manually adjust each price on the 1st April. Would be handy to set it back in February and let the system automatically apply it on the suggested date.

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Thanks for the suggestion. Would Bulk change price book assigned to customers/etc work for you as an alternative? It would be far simpler for us to implement and probably be more flexible for different use-cases. Cheers!

Possibly. Or maybe a future price column and a button to copy future prices → current prices?

It’s just that that would get really complicated both from a build point of view and a usability point of view. Your price book might have some inherited prices from a base price book, some rules, some explicitly set prices, etc. We’d have to duplicate all of this and then ensure that this wasn’t too confusing in the UI, in terms of what applied now and what was scheduled for the future.

If there was the ability to duplicate a price book (with no customers assigned to the new one), then modify it as you see fit, and finally, you could bulk-move all customers over to the new one from the old one; I think this would be far easier for you to manage (and for us to build).

Does this sound like an ok plan to you?

That sounds like a decent solution yeah!

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Could you not just have the pricebook being derived from a 23-24* pricebook? Then all you’d have to do would be change your actual price book to be derived from a 24-25* pricebook (would it?), which you’d have prepared beforehand. It would be nice to be able to schedule the switchover…

*years as appropriate, of course

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That also sounds like I’ve missed a fairly obvious way to change it too…quite new to Breww so still picking it up!
Does seem that (whoever migrated our data in November) set all our customers to the system default, so if I changed the system default in the method you suggest that would also have worked