See stock location when placing the order (and stock levels)

We have stock that is kept in a third party warehouse that are used for specific customers.
However, when placing the order the only information that Breww shows is the total amount of stock.
This is a problem because the sales team might place an order to a customer but not have the stock (meaning this stock is not in our warehouse). We can only know that when assigning the items.
Can the stock be shown by location when placing the order ? Or, maybe a better solution, be prompted to each order where it should be fulfilled from (and then only show the stock on that location) ?

Being able to create different locations is great but I so far it has lead to many problems as I it seems to me that the functionally was not completely thought through.

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Thanks for the great suggestion!

I’m linking this with Limit available product count to a single production site (available stock per site) as they will work well together and your request will rely on that one being done first, to some extent. Thank you.

This has been done as part of our huge update on how stock is handled when you have multiple sites. Find out more in the launch announcement at:

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