View product stock by location (not just by site)

In the product screen, view stock figures by both site, and sub-location within that site

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Super helpful if you have more than one location to hold stock in

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Thanks for the suggestion.

Just to make sure I understand you correctly, how would you like this to differ from the main by-site breakdown on the product page:

And the more granular information that’s shown in the “Stock breakdown” tab on the same page?

Are you looking for a summary of the total quantity in stock per location?

I think for the moment we’ve called our sublocations ‘sites’ to work around this

I’d use extreme caution in “pretending” that multiple locations at a single site are separate sites. For example, orders need to be fulfilled from a single site, so if you have stock over separate locations in a single building but tell Breww these are separate sites, Breww will think the orders cannot be dispatched.

In Breww’s terminology:

  • Sites - Sites in Breww represent physical buildings, such as a warehouse.
  • Locations - Locations in Breww are subdivisions of “Sites” and allow you to have more granular control of where stock is located within a specific “Site”.

If what you’ve done is working well for you, then that’s great, but I wanted to point this out in case you were having any trouble that could have been caused by this, or if anyone else is looking at this thread and considering doing the same.

It would still be good to know what extra you’d like built and how you’d like it to be displayed? Or can this feature request be closed now?
