Hi Jamie, thanks for your reply. If you are serving from a vessel in your taproom for your POS orders, then a slightly different approach may need to be adopted here.
With your current setup, you will not be able to have these orders automatically completed as you do not have the required stock held. Without any stock to sell, an order cannot be dispatched, and duty cannot be incurred. For example, if you were to sell a pint in your taproom through your POS, there would be no packaged stock of your ‘1-pint product’ in Breww to assigned to the order, as the beer is still in the vessel, so this order will not be fulfilled until it is racked from the vessel, and assigned to the order; you will then need to manually dispatch and complete this. Adjusting in stock as you have described will allow for these orders to be automatically fulfilled when they come in; however, this will mean that the amount showing in the vessel is incorrect, as this will not have been depleted.
If you want your POS orders to automatically be fulfilled, then I suggest following the service product approach suggested in the help guide; using a service product here will mean that your sales revenue is accounted for, and as it is a service product, there are no stock limitations, so these will come into Breww, and will not require you to assign stock.
However, you will still need to account for the duty—you will be able to do this by creating a container type that matches the full capacity of your serving vessel. If you then create ‘Part-filled’ products for your beers using this container type; there is a checkbox that can be selected on product creation that allows you to create a part-filled product titled ‘This product is only part-filled. This allows part-filled casks and kegs to be racked sold’.
This means, at the end of the day, after all your taproom sales have automatically and successfully been fulfilled in Breww, you would just need to account for the duty for the day in your taproom. You will be able to do this by heading to the serving vessel in your production dashboard and racking the total litres sold in the taproom that day into the part-filled product that you created. If you then sold this at zero value to a customer representing your taproom, this will account for your duty incurred. This will mean that your integration will automatically process and complete sales, your vessel volume will deplete based on the volumes sold and duty will be accounted for. This will also mean you can rack your other products, such as kegs, from your vessel as usual.
I do appreciate what you are trying to achieve here, and I agree with the feature request that @jon-kyme2 has suggested for Mechanism to Sell Tank Beer by the Litre (rack/sell draft beer & obtain draught duty relief) - Ideas & feature requests - Breww Community ; it sounds like this is the feature you may need, so it would be great if you could vote on this! Let me know if you need anything else. Cheers.