Missing 'pints' from duty report

Trying to get taproom pints to show in the duty report.

I have a small pack beer of type ‘pint’ connected to a beer.

I’ve connected my Square account and linked the Square pint product to the correct beer and type pint in Breww.

The duty does not add to the duty report based on the taproom sales.
I did a manual refresh of the correct period to sync them in and get this for every single taproom transaction it imported:

"There is a product on this order which is not mapped. All products must be mapped from the mapping screen for the order to be imported. “Fruit shoo”

It’s basically asking me to map every single product, of which there are hundreds including soft drinks, food, merch, etc into Breww before it will allow the orders, and presumably the sales and duty data to be synced.

How can I override this so that only the products in question are imported from each order and the duty calculation is met?

Hi Jamie, thanks for reaching out! To account for taproom sales and the duty incurred through these sales, we suggest selling the entire container you are serving from in the taproom to a customer representing your taproom for zero value. This means the dutiable amount is now accounted for, with draught relief applied, and added to your return. You could then set up ‘Service’ products to represent the individual beer sales through the taproom (e.g. pints) and map these with Square - as these are service products, there will be no duty implications, and revenue will be tracked. This process is discussed further in the Taproom & POS management in Breww help guide.

Regarding your sync message that you have received, that is correct; for Breww to receive an order, all items must be mapped, otherwise this will not come into Breww, and there is not a way to override this so that only specific products on an order come into Breww. If the other products on the order are products you do not need to track, you could simply create a single service product called ‘Other products’ and then map all of the non-tracked products to this one ‘Other products’ service product which will simply track the revenue for them in Breww. Let me know if you need any more help! Cheers, Ben.

Hi Ben,

This wouldn’t always work for us. In many cases we serve beer directly through the taproom taps from the unitank, in addition to some of it being racked into kegs so simply racking and selling the keg to the taproom wouldn’t always work. In any cases, we pay duty in the taproom on product release, in other words, when a pint is poured, not the entire keg.

The way I’ve managed to set it up in Breww so far is almost working. The product is mapped to a ‘Pint’ product and the orders (card reader sales) are importing into Breww. The issue at the moment is that it appears the system requires the order to be completed or delivered for it to enter the duty calculations. I’ve done this manually and it seems to confirm this. I’ve tried setting up auto delivery rules for the customer type of ‘integration’ and tag of type ‘pint’ but it doesn’t seem to do anything.
Just to clarify, what I need it to do is automatically complete the sale that comes from Square when it’s a pint which is sold so the duty is calculated.

The other issue is stock. At the moment, it won’t fulfill the order unless there are Pints in stock. For now I’ve adjusted this and added a fictitious amount of pints to the batch to allow it to connect to the order but I need this process to happen automatically.

Aren’t you missing out on Draught Beer relief by selling “pints”? As Ben hints at above.

I gather the dispense from tank issue is often handled by racking & selling a part-fill fictional container (covering the pints sold) to the taproom every so often (at least 20L :slight_smile: ). A bit manual, maybe.

I actually sell everything at non-draught rate. With SPR the difference in price is tiny for me so I do it this way to make things simpler from an administrative point of view.

The way I’ve set this up so far to handle pints is almost spot on. There are just a couple of niggles to sort out.
It’s fairly common for breweries or brew pubs to serve from the vessel so it should be easy enough to set this up.

I understand. There was some discussion of this over here:
Mechanism to Sell Tank Beer by the Litre (rack/sell draft beer & obtain draught duty relief) - Ideas & feature requests - Breww Community

I see.

I’m pretty sure I can sort this by having something automatically set the imported POS orders to delivered or completed, which I was under the understanding you could do?

I could do this manually, but I can’t see to find where to bulk set orders to delivered or completed in Breww. It would be impossible to do each one manually as there are hundreds every week.

I’m hoping support can clear this up for me ASAP. I’m hoping to get this resolved as far as I can today so I can move on.

This kind of thing?

All stock sold via a POS integration will be instantly dispatched by the “POS Fulfilment” method, which appears as a new tab in the Deliveries screen.

Taproom & POS management in Breww - Help docs & tutorials / Sales - Breww Community

Hi Jamie, thanks for your reply. If you are serving from a vessel in your taproom for your POS orders, then a slightly different approach may need to be adopted here.

With your current setup, you will not be able to have these orders automatically completed as you do not have the required stock held. Without any stock to sell, an order cannot be dispatched, and duty cannot be incurred. For example, if you were to sell a pint in your taproom through your POS, there would be no packaged stock of your ‘1-pint product’ in Breww to assigned to the order, as the beer is still in the vessel, so this order will not be fulfilled until it is racked from the vessel, and assigned to the order; you will then need to manually dispatch and complete this. Adjusting in stock as you have described will allow for these orders to be automatically fulfilled when they come in; however, this will mean that the amount showing in the vessel is incorrect, as this will not have been depleted.

If you want your POS orders to automatically be fulfilled, then I suggest following the service product approach suggested in the help guide; using a service product here will mean that your sales revenue is accounted for, and as it is a service product, there are no stock limitations, so these will come into Breww, and will not require you to assign stock.

However, you will still need to account for the duty—you will be able to do this by creating a container type that matches the full capacity of your serving vessel. If you then create ‘Part-filled’ products for your beers using this container type; there is a checkbox that can be selected on product creation that allows you to create a part-filled product titled ‘This product is only part-filled. This allows part-filled casks and kegs to be racked sold’.

This means, at the end of the day, after all your taproom sales have automatically and successfully been fulfilled in Breww, you would just need to account for the duty for the day in your taproom. You will be able to do this by heading to the serving vessel in your production dashboard and racking the total litres sold in the taproom that day into the part-filled product that you created. If you then sold this at zero value to a customer representing your taproom, this will account for your duty incurred. This will mean that your integration will automatically process and complete sales, your vessel volume will deplete based on the volumes sold and duty will be accounted for. This will also mean you can rack your other products, such as kegs, from your vessel as usual.

I do appreciate what you are trying to achieve here, and I agree with the feature request that @jon-kyme2 has suggested for Mechanism to Sell Tank Beer by the Litre (rack/sell draft beer & obtain draught duty relief) - Ideas & feature requests - Breww Community ; it sounds like this is the feature you may need, so it would be great if you could vote on this! Let me know if you need anything else. Cheers.

Hi Ben,

In response to your first points: I did have adequate stock of Youngmans showing. I added 15 pints manually which was the required level to update the Youngmans only orders but it did not complete the order or delivery as expected, even with a manual refresh on the Square orders.

The system as the moment shows a minus figure against the product where the order couldn’t be fulfilled which is great as an indicator to how many pints need to be racked or put into stock. You talk about how to update the orders which could be done after racking into pints but how do I bulk update the orders from Square? Surely there’s a way to do this? This is a feasible manually activity to get around this.

I understand your suggestion to create a special part-filled keg of beer each day to account for taproom sales but that’s absolutely crazy. This is a manual task which would require some significant training and would likely receive some level of error.

This concept of serving directly from the vessel is not new or rare. It goes back as far as pubs themselves. It’s a dispense method which works great in breweries and one take customers love.

Could you please look on my account at the open POS orders and let me know why the Youngmans ones with stock available haven’t updated and let me know how to manually set them all to completed once I add the required stock.

Hi Jamie, thanks for your reply. Breww will only ever auto-complete a POS order where the stock exists at the point the order is imported. If the order has come into Breww and you add stock, the order will not auto-complete. You will, at that point, need to assign the stock to the order and complete the “delivery”.

This process certainly could be improved with a dedicated feature, which I agree would be a great addition, but at present, if you want the square orders to automatically complete with your current setup, you will need to have stock before the order lands into Breww. I would suggest that racking pints in advance or stock adjusting them in is likely to lead to issues and inaccuracies, which leaves the only current alternative of racking a part-filled product with the amount sold to account for the duty and mapping the POS pints to a pints service product in Breww, as this is always in stock.

In terms of the open POS orders, I can take a look, but I would just need you to reply to the ticket you raised to reopen access to your account there, as I believe my colleague responded to let you know I had replied here, but if I have understood correctly then the reason those orders are not now complete is for the reason above; that the stock was not there at the point, the order was imported. To complete them now, you will need to go to the deliveries page and assign the stock; there should also be a button to “mark all as left duty suspense and complete fulfilment” on the delivery day for the POS orders, and providing you have auto-assign turned on (Settings → Delivery settings), this should assign, dispatch, and complete these orders. Cheers! Ben

Hi Ben,

I’ve been into the deliveries page and there is nothing showing for the imported orders.

I did already raise a ticket for someone to look into my settings as you requested. I would really appreciate it if you could take a look as I can’t keep going round in circles like this. I just need to get it sorted now really.

In case anyone else reading is struggling to find their POS orders that need fulfilling within the deliveries section of Breww, you will find them in a tab called POS fulfilment within the relevant delivery day. These are also omitted from the deliveries tab of the Breww app, as this section is designed to include all orders that require picking and fulfilling, whether by courier, collection or own vehicle delivery. POS orders generally only need to be completed within Breww where the stock was not available for Breww to complete the order automatically, and no actual delivery or fulfilment needs to happen in reality as the goods have already been purchased and taken away/consumed.

I hope this helps! :grin:

I guess it’ll typically be unnecessary to “create a special part-filled keg of beer each day”. Probably sufficient, in many cases, to do it monthly; i.e. in time for the duty return. (Or when the tank is empty.)


@jon-kyme2, Yes, that is a good point. I know many choose to do this on a weekly or, as you say, monthly basis. It is ultimately a case of choosing the time frame that works for you and, of course, ensuring this is within the month so the duty is correctly logged against the right return.

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