Give 'Locations' the same power as 'Sites'


I’d love to see further development of the Sites and Locations functionality. Currently, to accommodate complex brewery workflows, we often create multiple ‘sites’ to handle unique scenarios. As a result, we now manage almost 16 sites, making it overwhelming to navigate product pages.

It would be incredibly beneficial if locations could offer the same permissions and features as sites. This would significantly reduce the number of sites needed while maintaining operational flexibility.

For example, instead of creating separate sites for different warehouse functions, a single site could contain multiple locations:

Site: Warehouse

Location: Warehouse 1 (Bonded)

Location: Warehouse 2 (Non-Bonded)

Location: On Hold/QC Warehouse (Stock isolated under investigation; an option to exclude from available stock for sale would be ideal rather than using the delayed release feature which can really affect production forecasting)

Location: eCommerce Warehouse (Separate stock for online orders to prevent auto-assembly/disassembly issues affecting reconciliation)

By structuring it this way, we could reduce our site count by at least half while maintaining operational clarity. Additionally, allowing integrations (e.g. Shopify/WooCommerce) to fulfil orders from a location rather than just a site would offer much-needed flexibility.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this!


Thanks for the suggestion, Thomas.

I’m sorry, but this isn’t going to be possible, to be honest. Locations within sites can already have differing bonded statuses vs each other (or the site’s default), but the other suggested features would cause problems with the existing structure and defeat the point of having the site/location hierarchy.

If a large par of the reason for this request is:

Let’s look at solving that directly instead. Can you further describe why this is an issue and any suggested solutions?


The delayed racking release feature is the correct solution to this. Can you further describe the forecasting issues that you’re facing, and we can look at solutions for this instead.

Thank you.