Breww generated purchase orders/receipts not appearing on Pre brew stock checks

Purchase orders generated in Breww don’t appear to be populating as goods due to arrive on the pre brew stock check. Is there a specific type of draft inventory receipt required, or none at all, in order to have orders counted against the stock needs?

Hi Ben,

Thanks for the question.
Finalised purchase orders and draft inventory receipts which don’t have an associated PO should also be appearing on a pre-brew stock check. Let us know if that doesn’t seem to be the case for you. We’ll make this information a bit clearer on the pre-brew stock check page.


Hi Matt,
We have a finalized purchase order, but haven’t generated a corresponding inventory receipt for the order yet. After running a pre-brew stock check the quantities on the purchase order don’t appear to be populating.


Hi Ben,

Sorry, I was not very clear above. Previously, a purchase order must have had an associated inventory receipt for it to show stock in a pre-brew stock check, but we have now changed this so it doesn’t - this should mean your purchase order stock should show now. Purchase orders with undelivered goods will only show between the current date and the date you type in - this is so old undelivered purchase orders aren’t included.
I hope this makes sense.
