Add write (create/update/delete) capabilities to the API for customers, orders & credit notes

Afternoon folks!
I love that you have an API. I know it’s still in beta and this is the natural progress, but James Collier suggested I raise a Feature Request nonetheless.
It’d be great to have Write (create, update, delete) access through the API to entities like Customers & Orders.
With comprehensive API including this functionality, I wouldn’t have any urgency on tickets like these ones as I could make my own requests. :slight_smile:

Thanks for all your hard-work!


The current API provides almost exclusively a “read” (GET) functionality.
This severely inhibits integration with other systems.
Are there plans to provide create/update (POST/PUT/DELETE) functionality as well?


Yes, we do plan to enable write access. We won’t be enabling them in a wholesale manner (in the short term at least), so if there are any specific endpoints that would be especially important to you for this, please let us know which they are.


I want to integrate our, rather custom, invoicing system, so anything invoicing/order related would be much appreciated. Main one is the /orders endpoint, I guess, then /credit-notes.


A plus one for this functionality, please. We would like to integrate our warehouse management software, StoreFeeder, to process our various ecommerce platform orders into Breww. In the meantime, we’ll have to ‘fudge’ everything through Shopify which has native integration with most ecommerce front-ends, and also StoreFeeder, but is an inefficient and inaccurate way of processing other platform’s sales and fulfilment information.


@luke Any update on this? It’s been almost 1 year.

I am working with the fastest growing Breweries in London to automate sales-order entry from Email, WhatsApp, SMS, Voicemail, Phone calls and Paper into Breww.

I am using the Breww API to accomplish this. While the GET method for orders exists in the Breww API documentation, it appears there’s no POST or PUT method for orders to automatically push orders into Breww. Please expose it. It’s urgent. Thanks


Hi team, this would be imperative for us for a move to Breww. We are looking at two integrators who require this functionality - Daniel commenting above.


Thanks, Daniel.

We do intend to start work on this feature soon, as we can see how helpful this would be, but we haven’t yet got to it. We receive, on average, 2-3 feature requests every single day, so the reality is that they come in faster than we can build them and the list is always growing, despite how many we complete each month.

If only it was this easy :sweat_smile: I’ll report back soon when we next have an update on this for you.

That’s great to hear, thanks Darron. We’re looking to start this soon, so hopefully, we can make this work for you and your integrators. Cheers.

@luke Most of this workload on your engineering team would be reduced by allowing individuals to build their own (temporary) solutions using your API. It’s a win-win for both parties i.e. Breww customers don’t have to wait for years for a feature release (if they can build a temporary solution on your API) and Breww engineers get reduced workloads and can focus on other customer problems.

So, I feel like this one feature request would resolve so many pending feature requests, as mentioned by @fred-martindale, Hence it should be prioritized.

Thanks for your suggestions, Daniel. Your assumption is that most of our customers have their own developers available on hand, and, as I understand it, that’s not the case. Requests like this, actually help just a small handful of customers (those who do have developers available), and most customers would still need wait for us to build the features that they ask for. Unfortunately, we cannot really resolve any other feature requests on the list by having an improved API that would let them build their own software, as they still need us to build the features.

We use a voting system to help us determine which requests would benefit the most customers, and this request has only nine votes (at the time of writing). Votes are not the be-all and end-all of how we prioritise, and we intend to prioritise this higher than the votes themselves would have positioned it, as we feel its impact will be larger than the votes give it.

As I said before, we do intend to start looking at this soon (the team are busy working on existing projects) and fortunately we can be quite agile with the plan. There have been quite a few requests for this particular feature in the last few weeks that haven’t been here on the feature request (although ideally, they would have been), which is another reason we’re prioritising it higher than the votes alone would have put it.

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Thanks @luke . :grin: Good to see you are quite agile and will start looking at this soon. I actually did submit this request first by email before being directed here.

Let me know how I can help, for example, by being a beta tester.

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Fab - great to hear - thanks Luke

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@luke Any new updates? I was informed that you had included this feature request in November’s sprint. Any feedback will he helpful for our planning process. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

It’s been started but is not finished yet. It’s a complex project. We never promise dates on feature requests, so I cannot give you anything more concrete than it will be soon and we’ll let you know when it’s done.

@luke Happy New Year 2025! How’s the progress on this feature? Any feedback will help in our planning for Q1 2025. Thanks

Happy new year! We have had a few unexpected urgent priorities come up that have had to jump to the front of the queue, but I’m sure this will be back to the top of the list and over the line very soon. I’ll let you know when it’s done.