Quicker way to import recipes?

I’m trying to import recipes to Breww, of which there are quite a few.

The system won’t allow me to proceed until I’ve mapped every single ingredient to an ingredient or create a new entry. There must be a quicker way than this? Surely the system can see the weight measurement units from the recipe and just create the ingredients during import?

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for raising this in the community! You are correct in that each ingredient needs mapping on import. If an ingredient with the same or similar name already exists in your Breww account, then Breww will auto-map the suggested ingredient (though you can override it). If the ingredient does not already exist, then you will be able to create it quickly from the import screen. We do not make it for you, as not all fields are obviously predefined in all recipes; for example, some malts might just come across as “fermentables”, and in Breww, you would have to select the relevant type of grain or sugar. This is one of several examples, but it is always more reliable for these to be created manually and correctly than for Breww to guess.

If you have any suggestions on how this can be improved, please feel free to raise them as a feature request. Also, please let us know if you have any other questions.