Bundles - keg/cask/smallpack/stock item mixed components product

We’re looking to group certain products together into bundles particularly kegs but possibly cross format (keg and can). As with small pack items it would be nice to be able to create these bundles as products which isn’t currently possible.

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It would be very usefull if you could add “Pallet” as an option in products.
We could then add say 6 casks of 3 different beers and have the whole pallet as a named product which could have it’s own price.
This would then be a product in it’s own right that can be sold on the trade store and marketed to wholesalers and festivals for example.
If this can be done then it would need to include guest beers firkins as well as our own in Firkins.

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Thanks for the suggestion, Simon. I think this sounds like a duplicate of another request, so I’ve merged your request with the other. Can you please give this thread a vote? Cheers :+1: