Beer sales report by batch and package

Is there a report or view that can compare different batches of the same beer to see overall sales time (how long it took to sell out) and by package (kegs, cans, draft)?
I’m trying to determine if beer sales are slowing per batch with repeat beers and also what package is selling the best. Preferably I’d like to compare multiple batches of the same beer.

Hi Rob, Thanks for your comment, and welcome to the community! There currently isn’t a report to do this; however, there is a feature request which sounds close to what you might need here: Rate of Sale report . It would be great if you could add your vote and comments to this. If you think you would need something a little different, perhaps a ‘Batch sell out time’ report, then it would be great if you could raise this as a new feature request; for more on feature requests, please see: Posting ideas & feature requests for Breww. Cheers!