Adding your beers

:wave: This article is part of our Getting Started guides. If you are new to Breww and have found this guide without first reading our 🧰 Getting Started Guide, you will want to head there first. Not new to Breww? :rocket: This guide might not be quite right for you as it is aimed at your initial setup.

Importing your ‘standard’ beers/drinks :beers:

You can add your beers (and other drinks) to Breww when first getting started by heading to SettingsData imports and updatesBeers.

If you are producing a different drink type to beer, you will first need to set these up by following the Creating a new drink type step in the Managing your drink types (beer, spirits, cider, wine, etc) help guide, before continuing.

If you are producing beer, you will not need to set this up as a drink type and can continue. Please note that this importer is to bring in the names of your beers/drinks, not the product or stock. For example, a beer should be entered as ‘Floral Haze IPA’ and not ‘Floral Haze IPA Can’.

Beer/ Drink styles

When importing your beers into Breww it will be mandatory to set a beer style, and Breww has a list of beer/drink styles that you can choose from; however, you can create new styles when importing your beers simply by entering the style in the appropriate field on the import.

Best before dates

In Breww, you can set your best-before dates on a beer for cask, keg and smallpack, or alternatively, create Best-before date rules (recommended). Creating best-before-date rules will save you time moving forward when creating new products and allow you to set best-before dates that are more specific to certain situations, for example, if you have different best-before dates for steel kegs and keykegs. Best before date rules will be covered later in the getting started guide, so if you would like more control of your best before dates and would like to set rules, then please leave the Best before fields in the data import blank. If you would rather import your best before dates on the beer packaging type, then you can include these on the import.

If you then follow the Data import guide and import your beers. If you have chosen to create best before date rules, your best-before-date rules will be set later on in the getting started guide.

:closed_book: Beers that you sell under multiple names

It is important to note that the beers import is for beers that are brewed as you plan to sell them. If you have any beers that are “Alias” (rebadged) (where you sell two identical beers, but under different names) or “Derived Beers” (where one beer is a post-fermentation modification of another “base beer”), then these will need to be entered into Breww separately and should not be entered in this import. The step to create your Alias and Derived beer products is covered at a later stage in the getting started guide after you have created your products, so don’t worry about entering these now!

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