Add a service cost to batch production

Would it be possible to have a service item/product, such as external lab work, be able to be added to products, or to a batch’s recipe? This would avoid having the service listed as an inventory item, and therefore not affect stock takes, and the value of goods on hand.

This might also be useful to add things such as a donation amounted added to items sold so that product margins can be better tracked.

Hi Ben,

Thanks for the suggestion. We are planning to add a feature where overhead costs, such as utilities, can be added to a batch. I’ll note your suggestion of services such as external lab work. I’ll let you know when this feature is ready.


Apologies that we didn’t update you when this feature went live last year. I presume you’ve seen it already, but if not, more information can be found at

And the additional feature for them to be automatically applied which was added later on