Triggering Automatic tasks for the production

I would like BREWW to create tasks automatically according to the stage the fermenter is in. For example, if there was a way of creating daily task for gravity check for fermenters that are still fermenting. Or at least to have a button , when I press on a vessel in the production dashboard, that creates a task for fermentation reading for that vessel. or a button for creating easily task for the vessel for doing dry hopping, yeast purging or even carbonation check.

Hi Sahar, Thanks for your comment! It sounds like some of the following feature requests may be close to what you are looking for here; it would be great if you could add your vote if you think these cover what you need! If these are not quite what you need, it would be great if you could raise this as a new feature request!

I also just wanted to mention that you can set to have Daily batch readings required, which will show on the production dashboard, rather than as a task; currently, readings would apply to all vessels, but we have a feature request for Set the frequency & type of daily readings required based on the vessel status . Let me know if you need anything else. Cheers!