Stock Take - Freeze Stock while in process/until completed

I would like to suggest the facility to Freeze Stock while currently in the Stock Take process to prevent any stock movements until a Stock Take has either been Completed or Cancelled.


Thanks Jon, this is a great suggestion!

It’s easier said than done to ask everyone not to make changes until you’ve confirmed the Stock Take is complete, but then there’s still the hurdle of everyone remembering that they need to pause what they’d normally do! We can really see the benefit of this.

If anyone else would find this useful, please can you give this a vote with the button above.

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Thanks for raising this Jon, would be a very valuable feature for us as well

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I’ve run out of votes but would otherwise vote for this as we’ve had issues with the packaging team racking beer during stock take, then once the stock take file is uploaded it has removed the new stock! Also we have to go round the whole team and advise them that stock take is happening so they don’t assign or remove any inventory, and ensure all orders are picked for the day of stock take. It can get messy in a busy operation.

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Thanks, Hazel.

We use the votes to help us prioritise, so they’re really important. If this is more important to you than something else that you’ve voted for, then I’d recommend removing your vote from something else and putting it here instead. You can have 20 votes on incomplete requests at any time (and when a request is done, you can re-use that vote again). For more on how this works, please see Why do I only have 20 votes? :smile:

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This would (should) be a feature of any sensible stock-take implementation.
See this FR also Improve stock take to allow a web (non-CSV) based solution

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