Report on Volume of Taxable Beer produced in specified date range

It would be really useful to be able to see how much saleable/taxable beer we have produced over a given period.

Perhaps having the option to report on taxable volume vs. total volume as we don’t pay duty on the full volume of a firkin due to sediment.

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Thanks for the suggestion, George.

You should be able to get this information already using the Beer produced (rackings) Raw Data Explorer report. You’ll want to add the following fields to the report:

  • Initial Product → Only Container Type → Gross Capacity
  • Initial Product → Only Container Type → Capacity

With “Capacity” being the taxable capacity.

Please confirm that this covers what you need, and if not, let me know why. Thank you.

@george-boustred, I’ve set this to close as not required in 2 weeks, on the assumption that the above covers what you need. If not, please let me know why. Thank you.

Hi Luke,

This is perfect thanks. Sorry I missed your message before.

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