Batch cost forecast inc. utility/other costs


Is there any way we can run any forecast reporting on batch costs that include the “utility/other” costs per batch/scaled rather than when the batch is done. I understand we’d need to do a proposed batch size for this to work?


Hi Claire, thanks for posting this! There is no report to do this at the minute, but we can definitely see how this could be useful. I have opened this into a feature request for you, as I am sure other breweries will be interested in this too. I hope this helps.

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Just wondering if there’s any update on this?
It would be helpful to be able to include all costs when forecasting how much beers will cost.

I’m sorry, but there’s no update to report on this yet. We’ve been busy working on other requests, but do hope to get to this in the future. Please make sure you have voted for it (if you haven’t already).

Please see How do I know if there’s been an update on a feature request?

Thank you :smile:

4 posts were split to a new topic: Is there a way of seeing what features are being worked on?