Working with The Beer Company / Stonegate

How do brewers work out their invoicing and delivery notes for Stonegate pubs going through the Beer Company?

We would want just a delivery note (with no prices showing) for the pub side.
The invoice would then need to be invoiced to ‘The Beer Company Limited’. I understand I will have to manually add the PO number and upload it through their portal, which is fine.

But I don’t see the way to have multiple delivery sites for a single company/ invoice name. Each invoice will need to declare the pub that it was delivered to.

What is everyone else doing for this?

Customer group would work, wouldn’t it?

This is all theoretical as I’m still setting up, but I’m not sure if it does work completely.
I will need to give the customer some form of paperwork as reference. Basically a delivery note, and it is important that prices are excluded from this. However, I can only see an option to include ‘Delivery Notes and Invoices in Paper’, not just Delivery Notes.

But there are plenty of breweries out there who deliver to Stonegate pubs, so I think I am just missing a setting or method here.

You can set this up using a customer group. Ensure you set an email on the customer group; as this will be where invoices are directed by default.
On the individual customers, ensure that no email addresses have the “Receives invoice emails” tag applied. Otherwise, they’ll also get the invoice email. You’ll want to tag any relevant customer emails with the “Receives delivery note emails” tag and to make sure that in your Email settings, you have Breww set to automatically send delivery notes. The delivery notes have no pricing information, so should be suitable here.

Please see the article on Auto-email documents for more information.

Once you’re happy with the setup, you can double-check which emails will be selected for the automatic emails by going to the order and clicking PDF > Email to customer. A popup will show with the emails that would be selected. You can then close this popup to not send anything. The same can be done with the delivery notes by clicking through to the order’s delivery page.

Thanks for this Matt - will try it out