Square, Zettle & other POS integrations to have a daily invoice

We run the Square integration which is great and helps keep our inventory in check for our shop and bar.

However every transaction is listed as a new invoice, What would be great is to have a daily / weekly / monthly open invoice? would keep things less messy on the sales page.

Thanks Daniel, I can certainly see how this would be useful.

At the moment, this is quite complex as without importing the sale and completing its fulfilment, Breww doesn’t realise some stock is no longer available and therefore could start to sync the wrong values. We could potentially work around this, by opening an order each day/week/month and continuing to add the items to it, then at the end of each day/week/month, we could complete the fulfilment (“delivery”) and update your actual stock levels. This would likely work best on a daily order, rather than weekly or monthly, to stop the stock levels from getting too far from reality.

I can certainly see the benefit of this so if there’s a number of votes, we can look further into how this can be completed. Cheers :beers:

This would also help me a lot.

Maybe a draft order can be created on the first transaction of each day. Then updated with each transactions items and can be closed at midnight?

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