Paying for Stock Items Before Delivery

Hi – I have a vendor whereby I need to prepay for the stock item before it is even shipped. How do I handle this scenario in Breww? I would like to issue them a PO, pay the invoice they send me but not record the stock item in inventory until it physically arrives at the brewery. Is there a way to issue a bill (vendor invoice) that will flow through to Xero without receiving the inventory first?

Hi Christopher,

Thanks for raising this in the community! Currently, the answer is no. A purchase order is never uploaded to any integrated accountancy platform; only the inventory receipt is uploaded, and these go through a flow of draft > added to stock > Invoiced by supplier, which means you can’t reach the trigger to upload the bill (invoiced by supplier) without adding it to stock first. I do, however, think it would be worth voting for and adding your comments to the feature request for Proforma purchase orders, as this seems to cover the same situation.

Yes, I think that would cover it. Do you have any suggestions other than voting for this functionality that would accomplish what I need? How are others handling this situation?

Hi Chris,

I don’t have an alternative suggestion, as that is currently the only mechanism to create a bill from Breww. I have to admit, I haven’t had this raised through our support channels to suggest how others are handling this currently, other than my best guess, which is outside of Breww, but hopefully, other users can share their experience here.