Error in racking

I have racked some kegs from a batch and when I clicked to print labels Breww froze. I refreshed the page and when I confirmed resubmission Breww had dumped the remaining 400 ltrs from the vessel. how do I get those 400 ltrs back into the vessel so that I can rack them at a later date?

Thanks for the question, Richard. You should be able to undo the action to make the correction. Please see this guide:

we have since sent 5 kegs from this batch but when I tried that before dispatch, I still had the duty error preventing me from correcting the mistake

Ah ok, dispatching some of the stock makes undoing it impossible (in future, I’d recommend avoiding this until the original mistake has been corrected).

Could you please open a support ticket with details of the batch/racking so we can have a look at the specific situation and find a solution for you? Thank you.