Create Product Price Lists for Future Availability

The tool to create a price list of products available for sale right now, including number of SKUs in stock, is very useful to send to customers. However, we do a lot of pre-selling, so I want to be able to send a list that reflects what I’ll have for sale in x weeks time/by a specific date. So adding a ‘date from’ and ‘date to’ filter function would be immensely useful.

Also, as a less high priority but would be a great added extra, is if we can upload beer imagery to the product (i.e. pump clip badge) to make the Price Lists produced more attractive.

Many thanks!

Just thinking, Team Breww, should I have added this to the Price List Improvements thread?

Thanks for the great suggestions, Chess :smile:

It’s actually easier for us to have separate threads for separate requests (even if they’re all related to price lists, for example), so this is best here. I’ve also split the images part off to Add ability to show images on price lists, so that’s worth voting for too. Separate threads allow for people to better vote for what they would like to see implemented, and it’s easier for us to complete something and “tick it off” (it’s hard for us to track that “part a” is done and “part b” isn’t when they share a thread).

In related news, the project for Price list improvements is in testing and should be live very soon (which is another reason to keep this part separate).

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