Create a packaged product of both stock & service items

I’m a newbie, and I’m trying to set up a Mixed Gift product which has beer stock items, merchandise (stock item) and a brewery tour (service item) - but I haven’t figured out how to do this as I don’t think the product assembly permits this.

Hi Daman,

During the product creation process, adding neither a beer nor stock item will result in the product being created as a ‘Service’ product. Adding a stock item or beer will result in either a ‘Stock Item’ or ‘Beer’ product, the latter 2 of these product types will override the ‘Service’ product type.

As a product cannot currently be sold within another product, we’d advise creating your Beer, Merchandise & Brewery Tour product as a product that contains both the relevant beer product & stock items and naming it as a unique product to allow you to differentiate between similar products with and without tours. As you cannot wrap the ‘Service’ product up within this product, the name is there to allow you to do this.

