Another Sellar / Breww question - unconfirmed order?

What does a Requested (but un-confirmed) Sellar order look like in Breww if it is imported? Is it a draft order?

It will come through to Breww as “Confirmed” (as will an order confirmed in Sellar). There’s no way to know in Breww if an order is confirmed in Sellar or not (assuming you choose to import “Requested” orders to Breww).

We don’t consider this a bug as it’s deliberate; all integration orders (from any integration) come through to Breww as either “Confirmed” or “Invoiced”. This is partly how we easily prevent integration orders from being edited within Breww.

We would consider a feature request relating to improving this, but I must admit that it wouldn’t be a simple build (like it may seem on the surface), so it wouldn’t be something likely to be built in the near future unless it picked up lots of votes.

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Thanks for getting back. I’ll do a FR

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