Additional Information on Product Labels or Customisable Labels


We produce a low alcoholic beer at 0.5% ABV - it’s my understanding that we must display the ingredients by law (details below) - will this regulatory requirement for labels be available soon?

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That’s an interesting point. We’re certainly looking at making these labels more customisable. You could cover the legal requirements now by listing the ingredients on all your labels using a custom template. It could also be done now for all labels by using "Stock label footer message " in SettingsLabel settings, if you didn’t want the complexities of custom label templates.

Having said this, I do appreciate it would be “better” if you could more easily make it so this only showed for beers at 1.2% and below rather than showing for all beers.

We do plan to further improve this, but I don’t have any specific dates available yet, sorry.

Hi Luke, just wondering what progress you’ve made with this? We could really do with the ability to apply a custom stock label template to specific beers only, to include references to gluten free statuses etc.

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There are some complications to this as to ensure it’s future-proofed, we would need to implement “custom fields” on beers/products and expose them to the templates.

However, would the following feature request cover what you’re looking for?
This would be far simpler for us to build and may even be easier in practice for you to use.

This feature request would do the job nicely I believe, have added my vote. Cheers!

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For anyone else following this, Override the stock label template to use on a per-product & per-beer basis is now live and ready for use!

I’ll keep this thread open for further customisability improvements in the future, but this should be a helpful step forward that I wanted to highlight :ok_hand: