11th Jan 14:30 - Preparing for UK beer/alcohol duty changes on 1st February 2024 - webinar for SIBA members

Webinar at 2:30pm on 11th January

Breww is running a webinar in conjunction with SIBA (Society of Independent Brewers) to help you understand the beer duty changes that are coming on 1st February and what you need to do in Breww to stay compliant with HMRC regulations.

Fortunately, as a Breww user, this is really simple:

  1. You’ll need to enter a new estimate for your production
  2. HMRC have “changed the rules” [1] on the date that determines the rate that applies (but don’t worry, Breww will do all the hard work for you here). You can read more about the change to determining which SPR rate applies to your beer in our article here.
    If you’re not using Breww or if your existing software hasn’t been updated to handle it, this might be complicated to manage on your own. Why not book a demo?

If you’d like to join the webinar, please email [email protected] and register.

We hope to be able to post a video recording of the webinar here for anyone who wasn’t able to attend.

Update - 24th Jan 2024 - the webinar can be viewed below

If you missed the live event, you can now see the webinar below:

  1. HMRC haven’t actually changed the rules, but they have said they will start to enforce a rule that has never been enforced before. To the best of our knowledge, most breweries didn’t know this was a rule before and certainly were not using it in their calculations. ↩︎


Just looking at the total volume packaged report (good heads up thanks). It’s obviously showing volume racked into final saleable products however we understand that for HMRC “production” figures (that are used to calculate duty rates) we have to use the HMRC “produced” definition in 7.2 of notice 226 and therefore the earliest point needed used for production figures is when beer is sent off-site for packaging. So the bulk volume of that tank needs including in the figures not the returned yielded volume because the beer has “left the brewery”.
Is there a report or way I can see the volume sent to 3rd party packager (using your feature) and also the volume racked returned from a 3rd party packager so I can remove the returned volume and add on the bulk away volume (from the total volume packaged report) so we’re compliant with HMRC?

I would love to be wrong about this so if anyone can update me with new rules on what needs including in the production figures that would be fab but this is what we’ve had to do for the last 10+ years and I suspect they still expect us to do if they audit.

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Hi Claire! You’re right that the total packaged volume report won’t currently use the off-site sent date as the production date if the beer is sent for off-site packaging. Although it would be possible to get this information from elsewhere in Breww and account for it, that sounds to us like it would make the task of getting this figure a pain - and we want it to be as easy as possible!

We’ll look to add another “Duty-specific” option to that report to allow you to use the “Off-site packaging date” as the production date, if applicable, to make it as easy as possible for you to get that figure going into February :slight_smile:

I’ll update you once that’s done!

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Hi Max,

This is also something that we will need as we also send beer in tanks to be package off-site.
Will this report option be available to everyone?


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Hi Emma - welcome to the community!

And yes, this feature will be available to all breweries. It should be ready shortly, and I’ll update everyone here once it’s live.

Hi all - this report now has an additional option available that allows you to use the date of the Racking off-site sent action for any products that were packaged off-site! The option is called: “If packaged off-site, use the date the volume was sent for off-site packaging as the production date”.

This option also means if you have any outstanding volume that has been sent off-site but has not yet been fully completed (i.e. you haven’t received it back or completed the packaging), then this “outstanding” volume will be included in your totals. So it’s worth closing any off-site packagings that you know have been fully completed.

I hope that helps, but if you have any questions, please just let us know!

In case you missed the original event, a recording of the webinar is now available. Please see the bottom of the first post in this thread :smile: