Where do customers log in to trade store

Good afternoon

We are in the process of setting up our trade store, and have created our own accounts to get in, but on the trade store home page there is only an option to request access, not log in. How do our customers log in when they visit the site?


Great question! It sounds like you’re on the right page already, but you’re already logged into an account that doesn’t have access to your trade store. This is why you’re seeing the “Request access” button and not a “Login” button.

If you have invited yourself manually via your Breww account, you need to follow the link in the invite email to accept the invite, or alternatively, you can fill in the request access form, and then approve your access from within Breww.

If you want, you can test the page you’re on shows the login button to others by checking it when not logged in. The easiest way to do this is to open a “Private browsing” or “Incognito mode” window and going to the same page. You won’t be logged in in this window so will see it as a (not logged in) customer of yours would. When you’re happy that you’ve tested this, you can close this window.

I hope this makes sense, but do let us know if you’ve any questions on this. Cheers!

perfect, thank you, we were all a bit confused

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