Show Tag on Customer Price List Setting

Would it be possible to define tags for use in price lists?
I envisage this being exactly like “Show as a Trade Store Category?” works, but “Show on Customer Price Lists?”.

We use tags for a large number of things in breww from production to sales - all of these tags we use will show on the generated price lists if we allow them to be shown, and the majority of them are of no interest to the customer and clutter the list unnecessarily.


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Yes, this makes sense to us and is a great suggestion. It’s also quick and easy to implement, so I’m delighted to confirm it’s been done :tada:

The new setting is named “Show to customers”, and for now only impacts price lists, but it may well impact other things in the future.

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Amazing, thank you @luke this is a great help.

Coincidently, I was discussing another issue in a support ticket, and the idea of being able to categorise tags as 'show to customers’on the trade store (in addition to trade store categories) popped up, so this could be another use case.

Thanks again & enjoy the bank holiday :beers:

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