Setting invoices to automatically send or not send based customer type tag

Customers ordering through my website don’t need a receipt from breww as shopify handles this for me. Is there a way to set these customers to not automatically receive invoices? I’ve looked through the customer type settings but can’t find anything.



Hi Chris, thanks for your comment! Have you got your webshop integration set to come through into Breww as one customer or as multiple individual customers? We recommend having one shared customer used for all imported orders through B2C sales platforms. If this is the case, then if you head to the customer account and select Edit, you can change the Automatically email invoices setting to Never automatically send. This should mean no invoice emails are sent to the customer through Breww. Cheers!

hi Ben,
sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
I have all my eCommerce customers coming through individually as I need to process delivery and also so i can see them on the customer map as this is really usefull to see areas for developement. perhaps i’ve misunderstood this part?



Hi Chris, thanks for your responce, and no problem. If you had the e-commerce integration set for orders to come into Breww as a single customer, the delivery information would still be inherited by the order to process deliveries as usual. However, you’re right; these customer addresses wouldn’t show on the customer map. Other than having your e-commerce orders enter Breww as a single customer, you could change your default settings to have your invoices set to Never automatically send (Order/invoice settings). This means customers use this by default when they are set up, so your e-commerce customers would not be set up to automatically send invoices. However, when manually creating a new customer in Breww, this will mean that this setting will need to be edited on the customer page. This would also be problematic for your current customers, who would need to be changed individually to Always send invoices. Perhaps a setting on the e-commerce integration along the lines of 'Would you like invoice emails sent to customers for orders through this integration, would be a useful feature for you here. If so, it would be great if you could add this as a feature request. Let me know if you need anything else. Cheers!