Sellar Integration missing mapping who gets "tasked"?

I’m sure I remember seeing that Breww “tasks” someone on synch / mapping errors. Did I dream this? If not, who gets tasked? Can I configure this?

Hi Jon,

I am afraid, whilst totally understandable, it looks like you have been dreaming about Breww! Any sync errors will appear on the relevant integrations page, but they do not create tasks for any users in Breww. The only similar mechanism is when an order imported from an e-commerce or POS integration is set for its delivery to be completed, but it can’t be completed due to lack of stock; for example, you would then get a task in the Tasks section.

Ahh, thank you. That must be what I was (mis)remembering…

Time for a FR :smiley:

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Oh, wait… what about
“If you have products listed here that we’ve retrieved from Sellar that you know you will not sell, then you don’t need to map them to Breww. If they do un-expectedly sell, then we’ll hold off importing the order for you until they have been mapped (and create you a task to let you know).”

Hi Jon,

Good spot! However, I am afraid this is just a slightly confusingly worded message. The “task” we create is the sync message, which is just a notification with an action that needs resolving, but it is not a “Task” as you are used to as in the tasks section of Breww. I have flagged this, and we will update this message as it is understandably confusing as we have a dedicated term of task in Breww, but we definitely only create the sync message in Breww.