Sample Order for customers

Are sample orders only possible for leads?
We have a new core beer and I want to create a sample order for an existing customer, but I can’t find an option for that.

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Thanks for the suggestion, Kevin. You’re right, this was only showing for leads.

We’ve discussed this as a team and there isn’t really a good reason to limit this to leads only, so we’ve pushed a quick update now to allow this option to be used on customers as well as leads.

You should be able to find it now at the top-right of the main page for any given customer :+1:

Thanks for the suggestion and for helping make Breww even better!


Can someone show us where samples are in leads - can only see it in customers

Sure. When you’re on the leads dashboard, click the ‘View details’ button on a lead and then you’ll see the green button in the bottom right to create a sample order.
To view a lead’s sample orders, go to the lead’s page and click the ‘Sample orders’ tab.
I hope this answers your question.

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Please can someone tell me how to edit a samples order, colleague started one navigated away to find some product info and now we can’t work out how to edit/continue adding items?

We decided to disable the ability to make edits to sample orders to ensure no chargeable items could be added to a free sample order. If you need to change it, you’ll need to delete/cancel it and make a new one.

what is the status difference between “cancel” & “fully delete”?

Hi Justin,

Cancelling an order in Breww will still show the order on your sales page, but it will have a visible status of cancelled. Deleting an order will delete the order from your sales page and may therefore result in a gap in your order/invoice number sequence. In most countries, the tax authority (such as HMRC) requires that you don’t have gaps unless you can explain why you have a gap. Please make sure you have kept a record of why you have this gap if you have chosen this option, or consider cancelling this order instead of deleting it.

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