Revert Update to Products Page

Hi Team,

I’m having some trouble with the new UI for the Products section.

In the previous version, I was able to quickly sort through our products by Beer, Packaging Type, Product Type etc in just a few clicks.
Now, I have to manually scroll though endless product types, aliases, derivations etc to find the one that I need. Even with the filter, which is not the most intuitive, it has still increased the time it takes me to find, eg a particular type of cask ale, considerably.

Would it be possible to add the option to revert back to the old drop-down view for ease of use, with the ability to do a more involved, depth-first search if necessary?

It would be good to know if anyone else has found the change particularly jarring, and what their solutions have been for it.



Hi Jake,

So sorry to hear you’re not getting on well with the change. I’m afraid it’s not easy to simply revert it. We made the change to allow for more powerful searching and filtering on the product page. We tried to ensure that all original functionality was included/improved, but if there’s something missing, we will certainly look to sort that out.

Please could you describe your work flow in a bit more detail, with an example, so we can check what might be missing?

If you didn’t realise, you can quickly filter by product type by clicking the dropdown list as in the screenshot below.

Hi Matt,

Thanks for getting back to me.

Having spent a few days looking through it, I think the main feature I am missing is the ability to search through a certain product, in this case a specific beer that we package in many different ways

You can search by packaging/product type, but if I need to check through a specific beer type, in all its packaging, I can’t find a way to do this using the search and filter functions provided.

Eg. I need to check our stock figures for all the types of Budding that we sell - Thats Kilders, Firkins, Pins, Bright Pins/Firkins, Unfined Pins/Firkins, Cans, 4x and 12x Multipacks.

Currently, as far as I can see, I have to search for each of these individually, as there is no longer a ‘Budding’ page in the products section, or to search for it in the top bar which gives me everything with ‘Budding’ in the name, from derivations to invoices.

If there’s a simple thing that I am missing then fantastic, but currently the cumulative amount of time I have spent searching for individual beers has been considerably increased.

I hope this makes sense,

Many thanks!


Thanks for your reply.

If you search for Budding in the small search box on the right (where I’ve typed ‘belgian’), you should see the stock levels for all different packaging types for Budding, as in the screenshot below.

You can also click the “Beers” button in the top right, then click on Budding, and this will take you to Budding’s page, which is the same page as was on the old products layout.

Both these methods should allow you to see a beer’s stock in all packaging types, but let me know if I’ve missed anything here or you’re still struggling!

I’ve set this to automatically close in two weeks as we’ve not heard back, and we feel all the same functionality is still there; it’s just that the buttons are in different places.

If we’ve missed something or we’re mistaken, please reply to this thread and let us know. Thanks.

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