Price List export PDF

I feel the export of the price list can be formatted more clearly. Especially the tags look awkward and I feel the tags should be generated as tags by being in a different font or format than the text…

Screenshot 2023-09-26 at 17.10.59

There needs to be more space between tags and product name for sure, and personally I would love to have the tags on beer level rather than product level

I really would like to use this feature more - but the clarity of the layout prevents us from really going further with it.

(BTW I also posted on the excel export elsewhere - feel free to join them)

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You’re completely right, there were definitely some improvements to be made here, so we’ve made them! :tada:

It would actually be quite difficult to put the tags on the beer itself, as firstly, tags aren’t always saved on the beer itself, and the price list can also be grouped by product type (cask, bottle etc), so then there wouldn’t even be a beer name to display the tag next to. But we hope this solves it anyway!

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