Planned Packaging Report


Would it be possible to add a report of planned packagings within a certain time frame? I’d like the goal to be two-fold:

  • To build a packaging to-do list for the packaging team of all the upcoming planned packagings for the next week or two, and
  • Have a report that the sales team can access quickly to collate and remind everyone of what’s been planned so far, how that compares to stock levels, and as a reference to go over with the production team during meetings




Hi There,

I got the same query as Ben.

I want to be able to select “Planned Packaging Batch”, “Planned Packaging Batch”, “Planned Packaging volume” and “Planned Packaging container type” in the “field to view” in the data explorer of the reporting section.

This would be a great help to organise our packaging runs.


It would be very usuful

Good news, we’ve added a raw data explorer report for planned packaging now :tada:

Can you please take a look and let me know if this covers what you’re looking for? Due to how some things work behind the scenes, adding the container type is complex, so this hasn’t been done at this stage. I hope the other available data will counter this, though and mean this is still useful for you.

THanks Luke I will have a look!


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