Multiple search criteria on products list

if i look at “Products” - “all products list” and key into the search box, say for example, “lager”… i can easily see what my stock and allocated items looks like. I’d like to be able to pick multiple items to select… so for example… “Lager” & “IPA” so i could have visibility of my top 5 selling skus if that’s what i chose… would it be possible to allow multiple search criteria in that search box? I’d find that very useful unless there’s already a decent report that i am overlooking?

I know we sometimes get spoiled with multiple searches so there’s a distinct difference between -
“lager” + “ipa” which would return any items that contained lager and ipa in the same single item… nonsense i know, but that’s how i’d expect + to work
“lager” & “ipa” would return all the items that contain “lager” in the description and all the items that contain"ipa" in their description.

both examples would be useful if possible please?


Thanks for the suggestion, Jason.

I understand what you’re trying to achieve and I think BrewwQL being available here might be the right answer. BrewwQL has proper support for AND vs OR searches.

The general convention in search systems (i.e. everyone knows how to use Google) is that adding more words will narrow down the results further. This essentially makes all terms required. I follow the premise of your logic of + having a special meaning in comparison to & but this just isn’t “normal”. To ensure our user interface remains as intuitive as possible, we need to stick to the conventions that people understand. Giving & and + a special meaning, would, I feel, cause most people confusion (even though it would make sense to you).

We’ve already got a thread for Allow filtering the all products list and available products report with BrewwQL, so could you give that a vote and we can look to add BrewwQL to the “All products” list?

thanks - i’ve upvoted the other thread - cheers - mebbe i need to start studying the brewwql stuff a bit now we’re ticking over. cheers

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