Multi-turn batches

I understand what you say. For some multi turn brews, we brew them in two days. Add yeast the first day and then add the second turn to the already fermenting wort, thus saving the double mount of yeast. But maybe in that case we should plan it as two batches? But would it work adding it to the same fermentor?

Hi Hans Anton, thanks for your reply. Yes, you could choose to plan in two batches, both with their own batch number, over two separate days and then blend these into the same fermenter. However, you would need to transfer the second batch into a holding tank from the brewing system before blending the batches in FV, as you can’t currently blend into an FV straight from the brewing system in Breww. If your yeast is added to your recipe, your second batch will still require another addition of yeast, which will also be included in your pre-brew stock check. To ensure you add the correct amount, I recommend unchecking the checkbox on the recipe stage for Stock can be auto-allocated for this stage so that the yeast isn’t auto-allocated, and then you can choose not to add this on the second batch. Let me know if you have any more questions. Cheers!