Hey all, is there a way to run a report so that i can see what kegs i have in stock for sale, but more importantly a report that includes the product codes and the keg NR (non returnable keg) reference numbers of the kegs that are in stock that can be sold.
Any help would be appreciated.
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There isn’t currently a report for exactly this, but we’re going to tweak the non-returnables list (Containers → Non-returnable containers → View all) to add the product code and an export to Excel button. We’ll let you know when this is done!
We’ve made this change now. Let us know if it solves it for you!
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yeah that’s done it. Thanks Matt. That will help loads when i am doing a stock check in the cold room and catching any kegs that have gone past the duty point and onto the taps in the tap room and the tap staff haven’t recorded it.