Gross or Net values on reports?

Does anyone know if aggregate data reports for sales give net or gross figures? They used to be gross but I have just realised that this week’s is giving me a net figure. Anyone know when this changed? I can’t see an option to select which it is.

Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment. The Item value field in the aggregate data report builder has always been displayed as Net rather than Gross. If you have any other questions at all then just let us know. Cheers!

Oh right, are ‘invoice total value’ figures net or gross? It would be useful if it said in brackets after if it is inc. or exc. VAT.

Hi Sarah, thanks for your reply. All the aggregate data report builder sales reports show the Net figures, including the invoice total value figures. I have passed on your feedback on adding ‘Net’ in brackets to the team. Let me know if you need anything else. Cheers!

Sorry , last question on this I promise! Can you just clarify - have these figures always been Net or has this changed recently?

Hi Sarah, thanks for your reply. Yes, the reporting section of Breww has always used Net figures. Gross figures are only shown on the Sales dashboard alongside the Net figure or when selected as a field to view on the raw data explorer. Other than this, Breww figures will always show as Net. Let me know if you need anything else. Cheers.

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