Get your votes back when something is complete

I keep running out of votes but then realise i have a load on things already complete. Perhaps when something is completed that we have voted on you can release all those votes back rather than having to go hunting and take the vote off?!

I would vote on this but i can’t, cause i am out of votes!


Humm, this should already be the case. You should be given your votes back automatically once the topic is closed. This is typically a small number of days after we mark it complete, to give time for comments or someone to point out we’ve misunderstood something, etc.

I can see that you have 20 votes cast at the moment and one of those is on a closed topic… so in theory, you should have one vote left. If you can’t vote now, this would suggest it’s not working properly. We use another platform to manage our community, so can’t fix any bugs with it ourselves, but I’ll look into this and contact them to see if this can be fixed.

Sorry about this!

We’ve been advised that this issue has been fixed, and the votes that were erroneously not returned before have now been returned.

If you still think there is a problem, please get in touch again, but votes should be automatically returned when a feature request thread is closed :+1:

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