'Duplicate' button on recipe builder

When adding ingredients in the recipe builder, it would be really handy to be able to duplicate an existing item within a stage without having to ‘Add Ingredient’ again.

From a UI point of view, this would fit nicely alongside the Edit Timing/Edit/Delete icons.

I can think of numerous examples of when this would save time but the most obvious is when adding the dry hops to the fermentation stage of the recipe. We dry hop in two stages, usually with the same hops. If I’ve clicked through ‘Add Ingredient’, set the quantity, editing the timing etc. to be able to duplicate that line item and edit the timing would save me having to go round the loop of finding and re-adding the same ingredient for a second time. I find myself doing that a lot for boil additions too where we add the same hop at different stages of the boil. Cheers!


Thanks for the great suggestion, Andy; we can see how this would save lots of time.

Fortunately, this isn’t too complicated (as we already have this logic as part of the duplication of recipe stages and entire recipes). We’ve been able to get this functionality added to individual actions for you now :tada:

We hope this proves useful :smile:

That’s fantastic. Thanks Luke & team!


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