Displaying "Adjustments" on Invoice Template

Hi – I use the adjustment feature on the order screen to add an invoice wide discount. This discount shows up on the order screen as you would expect it to as a line item under all of the other items added to the order.

However, I cannot figure out how to add these adjustments to the invoice template so that it shows up on a printed invoice as they don’t come across as a invoice line item.

Is this possible?

Hi Christopher,

When you add an adjustment to an order, you will notice a line on the invoice that includes the adjustment type. If you have provided a title for the adjustment, it will be displayed within brackets alongside the adjustment type. Here’s an example screenshot to illustrate this:

Let me know if that is what you’re looking for or if you have any other questions at all.

Just to add to my last, if you use a custom invoice template, you will need to ensure you use the variable for extra_totals.

For reference, in the Breww invoice template, they are written out as below:

{% for charge in extra_totals %}
    <tr class="total">
        <td colspan="{{ cols - 1 }}">{{ charge.name }}:</td>
        <td>{{ charge.nett_amount }}</td>
{% endfor %}

I hope this helps!