Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)

Ok, I think I understand you better now :smile: Let’s say that you have just one customer and they are new, would you like the process to be?:

  • Sell to them on order number 1 and charge, for example, three deposits for three kegs.
  • A few weeks later, sell order number 2 to them.
  • When delivering order number 2, say they have two of three kegs ready to collect (one is still on tap). You collect these two kegs and apply their credits immediately to order number 2.

Theoretically, you can already do this by:

  • Disabling automatic invoicing on dispatch (you can set to do this on “delivery complete” instead of dispatch).
  • Applying the return of the two kegs before completing the delivery of order 2.
  • Return the deposits as a discount on order 2.
  • Complete the delivery of order 2.

But, this involves a few steps to be done at the point of delivery, which isn’t ideal from a practical workflow point of view. But we might be able to make this process smoother as this isn’t that far from what’s been built already… I hope I’ve understood that correctly?

I’m sure it would be possible to assign a deposit to someone else too, but this would need building as it’s not currently possible.

We don’t really have any choice but for the returns to start from now. I appreciate it would have made life easier if this wasn’t the case, but assuming we can get it working as you need otherwise, hopefully this is just a short-term pain during the migration period. All breweries moving to Breww would need to manage a similar migration period to some extent anyway.

Regarding the different deposit values, again this sounds like just an initial migration issue. Once you’re using the Breww system, you can change the deposit value and Breww will ensure that each returned keg gets the correct deposit value returned (even if the deposit value on the scheme has changed since the keg in question was delivered).

It sounds to me like we just need to look at:

  • Streamlining the steps for returning kegs during a delivery and applying their deposit returns to the order being delivered.
  • Allow re-assigning who gets a deposit back from a keg so it can be returned to someone else.

Then, you just need to do some manual tracking during the migration period, and once you are through the migration phase, you should be able to take full advantage of the feature? Or am I still misunderstanding something? :crossed_fingers:

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Hi Luke,

No I think you grasp it quite well.

one important note though: the manual tracking returns do need to look the same as the automatic returns on the invoices - otherwise it creates confusion for the customer (as far as s/he is concerned a keg is a keg and a deposit is a deposit)


This is still on the radar to be done soon, and a separate feature request thread for this specifically has now been opened at Returnable Kegs on the same invoice

Although you could argue the other thread is a duplicate of this one, I think it’s best to close this one off and use the other thread for this specific addition to the CDS/DRS feature.


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