Credit notes to be included in reports


It would be very beneficial to have the value and data of credit notes included in all reports, or at least giving the option to include them.

We currently have to manually deduct the data of credits to get a true reflection of sales and margin figures.

We would very much appreciate this being looked at please.

Thank you.

Thanks for the suggestion, Emma.

To help us ensure that the right reports are looked at first, could you let us know which reports you’re using that you’d like these included in? The problem with “all reports” is that, knowing our luck, we’ll add them to a report you don’t use first, and it will be much longer before you get the reports important to you updated.

Some reports, such as “All Sales”, include credit notes already.


Hi Luke,

Thanks for your reply. We really need any sales and margin reports that currently do not include credit notes or the option to, to include them please.

We will be using all these reports on a weekly and monthly basis and even daily basis.

Many thanks,

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