Credit Notes - Derived From - Allocated Against & General Improvements

Currently the credit note system in Breww seems very open and manual in comparision to the rest of Breww which is very interconnected. Having used Breww now for a few months I think there are some features that would improve the functionality and user experiance when dealing with credit notes as well as reduce the liklihood of errors.

  1. Credit notes should be derived from invoices and link to said invoice.
    Breww has a big focus on traceabilty and connectivity between its various components. Credit notes however are linked only via the notes manually input into the notes section. This feels counter-intuative as all credits should ideally be derived from an invoice to allow for tracebilty and transparency. When creating a credit note, choose from a drop down menu the historic invoice the credit it derived from. There could also be the option to go into an invoiced order and create a credit note against that specifc order.

  2. Credit notes derived from invoices could copy prices.
    Currently the vlaue of a credit is set by whatever you manually type in. In most cases customers will have discounts applied depending on thie price book, so you must consult the oringial invoice, make a note of what was paid and then set the value of each item on the credit note accordingly. This is time-intensive and open to human error.
    If credit notes were derived from a given invoice, the value of any product could be set to match the original invoice, removing the need to go back and forward working out and manually inputting prices.

  3. Credit notes could show what invoice they are allocated against and link to that invoice.
    Currently the credit note will show the date it was used but not link to that invoice directly.
    It would be useful if you could navigate from any given credit note forward to the invoice/invoices it is allocated against as well as backwards to the invoice it was derived from.

These changes would allow you to view a credit note and see at a glance the invoice it was derived from and the invoice it was allocated too as well as speeding up the process of creating it. Reducing the liklihood of errors when setting the credit note value and making it generally easier to read and trace.


Thanks for the suggestions, Toby.

  1. This would be a great improvement. I think it would be a mistake to force a credit note to be derived from an invoice, but to allow this for easier/faster creation and to support a link back would be a great improvement.
  2. Yes, agreed, if the credit note was derived from the invoice, this would work really well. This would work well with Return Workflow Improvements too.
  3. There’s already a link both ways on allocated credit notes. Have you missed this or have I misunderstood what you’re asking for here? Please see below video

Cheers :+1:

P.S. Don’t forget to vote for your own request, votes are very important :smile:

Hi Luke

Thank you for your response. Regarding point 3, I missed the link forward showing the invoice the credit note was allocated against. Thank you for highlighting.

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Hi Luke

We have just had to process a large sale and return order with 18 different product lines, including mixed, multi packs and single cans. If the suggested feature above was implemented it would have saved a significant ammount of time.

As you say it ties in with the Return Workflow improvements and also, in this example with the “Returning Single Items of a Multipack” feature request that has been posted.

If the credit note references the orginal invoice regarding the price, it would be great if Breww could calculate a per unit price for partial returns of multipacks also.

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