Change of layout to Racking screens. Revert possible?

The Racking screens used to use a drop down list of products (a “select”) and checkboxen for the vessels.

This seems to have changed today, such there’s a list, with a button labelled “Select” right over there on the right. Is this intended to be a permanent feature?

It’s not just that I fear change, but I really did prefer it the way it was. This new layout makes it really easy to pick the wrong vessel / product.

I’m sorry that this hasn’t seemed positive to you on first look. This is intended as a permanent change, yes, but if there’s a problem we can look into it. The idea was to make the process better (especially on mobile), although we realise that sometimes this comes with a short period of it seeming worse as it’s not what people are used to.

Can you explain further?

… well, it seems to have reverted right now :slight_smile:
The issue as I see it is (a) with the “select” button at one edge & the vessel identifier at the other side of the screen it’s easy to select the wrong vessel ( the one above or below it). I can see that this wouldn’t be such an issue for small screens on hand-held devices, but on the office desktop it’s a bit tricky.
Also (b), the product selection suffers similarly. A “select” seems the natural choice.
The screen could certainly do with some horizontal guides to make it easier to use.

You were right, but I’m afraid it’s gone back again! We spotted an issue with another tool that was caused by this and reverted it quickly while that was fixed, but it is back to the new version again now.

Great point! We’ve moved that button to the left now (on both vessels and products).

“Select” inputs (aka drop-downs) are ok on desktop but they’re a pretty poor user experience on mobile (and this process is often done on mobile), which is why we’ve moved away from them. There’s also now a search box to the top-right of both these lists which should make it easy to find the vessel/product that you’re looking for if the list is quite long.

Can you let us know if you’ve any more feedback? We don’t want to revert to the old user interface, but we are happy to further build on this one as we strongly feel that this is a better starting point :+1:

That’s loads better (for a wider screen anyway). I appreciate your point about dropdowns on mobile - I’m often struggling with the top option getting lost behind other elements.
I seem to be seeing a horizontal rule / separator on mobile, but not on desktop? Am I right?

I think you’ve got a good tool here. Thank you.

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It should be there on both, but the contrast to the background colour isn’t huge and all screens vary somewhat, so it might just be not rendering very clearly on your phone screen.

Thank you :pray: