Best before rules - add label to outcome

It would be helpful if the outcome of a rule branch could be labelled.

This might apply even more so to more complicated rule sets.
(illustration only, I’m not necessarily endorsing these shelf lives)

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Thanks for the suggestion, Jon.

In this particular case, you could have just had a single “Is cask” condition, with the “Yes” going to the cask and the “No” going to the +39 weeks (as it would cover both smallpack and keg).

I realise this is just an example and I still see the value in the feature request, but thought it might be helpful to mention how the example case could be simplified.

Yes. As it happens I’m trying to enforce different lives for keg and smallpack (and cask). So we would need a minimum of 2 conditions to resolve this. And what if another “type of container” were added? Unless you’re promising never to do that? But even in your example it would be useful to label “in that case it’s keg or small pack”.

I’m mainly concerned with ensuring that our rules are explicit, easily comprehended and maintainable. Because reasons.

Yeah, good point. I can’t promise we won’t add another (in fact, we probably will)!

This has been added now, thanks for the suggestion, Jon :tada:

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That’s fantastic. Well done folks!

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