Adding Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) for Trade Store orders

Hi - in addition to adding specific shipping prices to products (eg. Individual kegs via courier) we’d like to have the ability to implement a minimum order quantity on all Trade Store orders.

We currently have a 2 unit MOQ for all direct deliveries, which can be a mixture of different pack formats - so customers can do a mixture of keg and can orders. We have seen the minimum order value option, but where two cases of beer could cost as low as £80.00 then keg customers could theoretically order just the one keg at £100.00 and circumvent the 2 unit MOQ.

Please let me know if you need any clarification!


I second this. It would be extremely useful. We currently don’t run on a MOQ on the price of the order but on the number of units so for our trade store to work it would be all have to be checked before we would send orders out.

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Luckily found this before making a new post. Is there any progress on this? Appreciate you have a never-ending list.

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Sorry, Ben, there’s not been any progress on this yet. We do plan to have a “focus” on the trade store before too long as it’s not had a huge amount of attention for a while, so hopefully we can include this feature as part of that focus project.

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