Add "total_order_value" field to BrewwQL for Customers

Thanks for the suggestion, Mark.

I’m afraid this isn’t possible right now, but this is the right place to be requesting it :+1:

It should be possible to add a field to the BrewwQL filter for the customer’s total order value.

To support this, it would be a very substantial change, so in all honestly, I think this isn’t something that’s likely to be added to BrewwQL in the short term. The issue is that each of the variables that you can filter on are evaluated independently, so while we could add a the total order value field, this would always be treated as a total order value and not just the total in any given month. I’ve explained this in more detail in this thread:

I hope this makes sense. We’ll keep the feature request thread open, as hopefully we’ll be able to support this better in the future, but it’s a long way from how the filtering works at the moment. Thank you.