Add collection / delivery info to the API

There is no way to tell whether an order is delivery / collection or courier via the api at the moment.

There’s a field deliverycollection, which i guess might do it but those resources aren’t in the API from what I can tell.

Further to this, there’s no way to distinguish between orders that are dispatched, and those that have been delivered.

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Thanks for putting this forward, Craig.

We’ve added some basic information to a fulfillment object in the order data; this should let you know which orders are dispatched and which are delivered and their delivery method.

The deliverycollection field was poorly named, to be honest, so it’s been removed. It did previously give you an ID that was usable in the “fulfillments” endpoint. This ID can now be retrieved from the fulfillmentid field. The “fulfillments” endpoint will give you a little extra information, but it likely isn’t needed for the basics.

We hope this is helpful :+1:

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