What do the different date options on an order/invoice mean?

When reporting on your orders in Breww via our Aggregate Report Build and Raw Data Explorer tools, you have often got a few different dates that can apply to the orders/invoices. Here’s an explanation of what these mean.

  • Invoice issue date - This is the date you pick as the invoice date when creating the order/invoice in Breww. This is the date shown on the PDF document and in the “Planned invoice date” at the top-left of the order screen before an order is invoiced, and as “Invoice date” once it has been invoiced. It’s also the date that’s automatically updated if you have the “Automatically set invoice date to the current date when invoicing an order” setting enabled (see Settings > Order/Invoice Settings).
  • Invoice due date - This is the payment due date. This is calculated from the invoice issue date and the customer payment terms (or account default if no terms are set on the customer directly).
  • Invoice created date - This is the date that the order/invoice was originally entered into Breww. When the New order button is clicked, this is set and never changes.
  • Invoice last modified date - When the order/invoice is edited (products added, address changed, etc) this is updated to the current time.

In Breww an order and an invoice are linked so closely that effectively they are the same thing, and when the status is updated to “Invoiced”, it just becomes locked, so most things can’t be changed from that point on and the wording on the PDF, etc is updated from “Sales order” to “Invoice”. These dates all say “Invoice”, but they really apply to an order or invoice.

A post was split to a new topic: Why are my dates not formatted correctly for my locale?